17 Mayıs 2012 Perşembe

Dr. Oetker Ristorante "Date Night" Wine & Food Ideas #SliceOfRomance

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It seems once the kids arrive, many couples have a hard time planning a romantic date night. For some couples it's about lack of time. For other couples it's about lack of money. I know many of my "couple" friends who really miss having a date night and wonder how they can still make it happen. I recently found out it's easier then many people think.

I was invited to join in Dr. Oetker Ristorante “Bring a Slice of Romance Home” Kitchen Table Date live webcast. During the webcast I learned how couples can keep romance alive year-round at home with simple "date night" ideas.

Dr Oetker's Ristorante Pizza

First for an at home "date night" here are some food suggestion from Dr. Oetker's Ristorante line of gourmet, thin-crust pizza with unique and flavorful toppings.

  • Pizza Vegetale - Layered with generous helpings of tangy tomatoes, mouth-watering peppers, onions and chilies.
  • Pizza Mozzarella - Mozzarella cheese combined with tomatoes, Edam cheese and a delightful mixture of herbs.
  • Pizza Spinaci - Layered with savory leaf spinach, cheese and mozzarella, perfected by a hearty garlic sauce.
  • Pizza Funghi - Aromatic mushrooms, fruity tomatoes, tasty Edam and fine mozzarella cheese.
  • Pizza Quattro Formaggi - Blend of mozzarella, Edam, Emmental and blue cheese, complemented by a tantalizing basil seasoning.
  • Pizza Speciale - Pepperoni, cooked ham, Edam, mozzarella and spicy herbs.
Also participating in the Slice of Romance webcast was Richard Vayda, Director of Food and Beverage Studies at the Institute for Culinary Education in New York. Richard discussed some of his favorite, affordable wine selections and explained how to pair them with prepared at-home "date night" dishes.

During the webcast Richard talked about wines and how to pick the right one to match a meal. A few points I took note of included:
  • A few wine pairing tips: white wines good with fresh tasting flavors. red wines good with rich flavors like cheese and meats
  • Look at your wine, smell it, taste it. The "rules" are guidelines. Have fun with it
  • To determine "body" of a wine, taste it. If light like water then light body. If a more richer intense feel then heavy body
Then Richard highlighted a variety of simple dishes to make by flavor and wine suggestions
  • Salty; Prosciutto & Melon which goes good with fruity wine or a brut
  • Creamy; Caesar salad looking for a bright acidity wine
  • Varied; Antipasto platter needs a wine with spicy or herbal flavors
  • Earthy ; Foods with veggie like mushroom, beans, whole grain rices, etc goes with wines like Pinot Noir
  • Spicy & rich foods: Check out Australian Shiraz or Sicilian Nero d'Avola
Richard also explained that as we mature our taste changes a bit. What wines we liked before might change. So don't be surprised. We should try something new and different. It's ok to mix different food styles with wine from different locations. That's part of the fun.

To learn more about Ristorante pizza visit - http://www.ristorante.us

Please Note: I received a Dr. Oetker Ristorante care package for my participation in the webcast. No other compensation was received. Views expressed are always 100% my own.

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Posted in: Event, Food

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