Today we headed over to one of our local hospitals for a visit with a Neurologist. Now let me explain before I started getting tons of worried emails about my son. It was just a routine visit to rule out a autism diagnosis as the cause for my son's speech delay.
When my son was around 2 years we started early intervention for his speech delay and he entered the "special needs" category. I haven't really blogged about it because over the course of the last 2 years he's progressed and it's the hope and belief that his identification might change. I also didn't blog about it because it's been an emotionally confusing, frustrating and draining 2 years for me.
Over the past 2 years, I've learned that the "special needs" community and system is it's own world. To be honest, I was never really sure if I could claim being a part of it. Especially since my son wasn't technically "diagnosed" with anything that includes some extra initials. That somehow my son isn't "special" enough to be part of the special needs community. Long story better saved for another time.
Anyway, so as we get ready for kindergarten we're trying to figure out categories for my son and what services he will need. Hence today's visit to the neurologist. So for the most part it was a straight forward visit.
My son got weight, measured and his under arm temperature taken. He went through the process like a pro.
No crying, fussing or running away from the nurse. Meanwhile I sat in a corner trying not to hyperventilate.
Then we meet with the neurologist who ran my son through some basic tests like asking him to hop on one foot. It's hard to believe that's a scientific method but it is!
Then he chatted with my son for a bit to see how he interacts and reacts. After all that, he announces my son can't be claimed to be on the autistic spectrum. Not even high functioning, which is what I asked him just to be sure sure.
The neurologist felt my son (so far) just had a delay and when he gets into kindergarten he'll progress. Which was encouraging to hear. It's a shame a few moments later the neurologist and I got into a mini flight over a doctor being respectful when dealing with a mother (a black mother at that) and of respecting a patient privacy. But that story needs it own blog post.
For now our first pre-kindergarten test had a good result. In about a week we're schedule to visit another doctor. This time an audiologist. I'll let you know how that goes.
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15 Şubat 2013 Cuma
Hospital Visit, Neurologist, & not Autistic Diagnosis
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