11 Temmuz 2012 Çarşamba
10 Temmuz 2012 Salı
9 Temmuz 2012 Pazartesi
Candidate chromosome Tapis Tube Babies for Healthy Embryos
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Candidate chromosome Tapis Tube Babies for Healthy Embryos - Chromosomal screening prospective IVF embryos by the method of comparative genomic hybridization or CGH before implanting the embryo into the uterus can detect chromosomal abnormalities and congenital diseases. This method is applied to the results of IVF embryos completely healthy.
It was announced by Chairman of Tropicana Medical Center Fertility Center (TMC) Surinder Singh while celebrating the success of IVF by TMC 3000, in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia, Saturday (7/7). Surinder said, CGH method is a part of before implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) of embryos.
"One by one the chromosomes will be checked so that if found to have abnormal chromosomes that can be immediately known. This was done to ensure that embryos are implanted in the womb is really healthy, "said Reuters correspondent reported Surinderm Adhitya Ramadan from Selangor, Malaysia.
Meanwhile, the CEO of TMC said Erica Lam, complete facilities and cutting-edge, reliable specialists, as well as research and development continued to make TMC into the hospital with IVF success rates are high. IVF success rates achieved TMC in 2011, for example, reached 59.1 percent. The success rate is comparable with other world-class fertility clinic.
Erica convey, in a month, IVF patients in about 80 TMC that the majority of couples aged 35 years and over. Of that amount, the patients from Indonesia about 30 pairs.
Surinder added that about 30 percent of IVF resulting in TMC are twins. Because, in one cycle, doctors implanted the embryo into the uterus 2-3. This anticipation of failure. "Basically, all the decisions that determine the patient. Doctors just convey a variety of possibilities, "he said.
Surinder, who is also President of the Malaysian Public Assistance Reproductive Technology (MSART), said that no definite data on the number of IVF Malaysia. Only, he estimates that about 2,000 IVF cycles with pregnancy 700-800 pregnancies a year in Malaysia.
Candidate chromosome Tapis Tube Babies for Healthy Embryos - Chromosomal screening prospective IVF embryos by the method of comparative genomic hybridization or CGH before implanting the embryo into the uterus can detect chromosomal abnormalities and congenital diseases. This method is applied to the results of IVF embryos completely healthy.
It was announced by Chairman of Tropicana Medical Center Fertility Center (TMC) Surinder Singh while celebrating the success of IVF by TMC 3000, in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia, Saturday (7/7). Surinder said, CGH method is a part of before implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) of embryos.
"One by one the chromosomes will be checked so that if found to have abnormal chromosomes that can be immediately known. This was done to ensure that embryos are implanted in the womb is really healthy, "said Reuters correspondent reported Surinderm Adhitya Ramadan from Selangor, Malaysia.
Meanwhile, the CEO of TMC said Erica Lam, complete facilities and cutting-edge, reliable specialists, as well as research and development continued to make TMC into the hospital with IVF success rates are high. IVF success rates achieved TMC in 2011, for example, reached 59.1 percent. The success rate is comparable with other world-class fertility clinic.
Erica convey, in a month, IVF patients in about 80 TMC that the majority of couples aged 35 years and over. Of that amount, the patients from Indonesia about 30 pairs.
Surinder added that about 30 percent of IVF resulting in TMC are twins. Because, in one cycle, doctors implanted the embryo into the uterus 2-3. This anticipation of failure. "Basically, all the decisions that determine the patient. Doctors just convey a variety of possibilities, "he said.
Surinder, who is also President of the Malaysian Public Assistance Reproductive Technology (MSART), said that no definite data on the number of IVF Malaysia. Only, he estimates that about 2,000 IVF cycles with pregnancy 700-800 pregnancies a year in Malaysia.
Failed Pregnancy Can Cause Mental Disorders
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Failed Pregnancy Can Cause Mental Disorders - Great desire to have children soon could backfire in marital life. Quite often, guilt and disappointment because the child did not come such a trigger mental disorders.
In a study in Denmark of 98 737 women suffering from fertility disorders between 1973 and 2008 proves this. The researchers found, women who remained pregnant even after successful IVF treatment are more at risk of mental disorders.
During the period of 12.6 years, half of the respondents who did IVF pregnancy success. But 18 percent of women who never become pregnant, should end up in hospital because of a mental disorder.
In total, nearly 5,000 of the female population is getting treatment for various conditions, such as alcoholism, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, to psychosis.
According to investigators, the child's absence after various fertility treatments tend to increase the risk of abuse alohol to 103 percent to 47 percent and schizophrenia. While the risk of eating disorders rose 47 percent.
Results were presented at the annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Istanbul, Turkey.
"The study shows that the failure of the fertility program can be an important factor in psychiatric disorders. Therefore, it is important to provide counseling to women who will get the fertility treatment," said Baldur Dr.Birgitte-Fleskow of the Danish Cancer Research Center.
Failed Pregnancy Can Cause Mental Disorders - Great desire to have children soon could backfire in marital life. Quite often, guilt and disappointment because the child did not come such a trigger mental disorders.
In a study in Denmark of 98 737 women suffering from fertility disorders between 1973 and 2008 proves this. The researchers found, women who remained pregnant even after successful IVF treatment are more at risk of mental disorders.
During the period of 12.6 years, half of the respondents who did IVF pregnancy success. But 18 percent of women who never become pregnant, should end up in hospital because of a mental disorder.
In total, nearly 5,000 of the female population is getting treatment for various conditions, such as alcoholism, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, to psychosis.
According to investigators, the child's absence after various fertility treatments tend to increase the risk of abuse alohol to 103 percent to 47 percent and schizophrenia. While the risk of eating disorders rose 47 percent.
Results were presented at the annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Istanbul, Turkey.
"The study shows that the failure of the fertility program can be an important factor in psychiatric disorders. Therefore, it is important to provide counseling to women who will get the fertility treatment," said Baldur Dr.Birgitte-Fleskow of the Danish Cancer Research Center.
Child Will Imitate Smoking Scenes in Movies
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Child Will Imitate Smoking Scenes in Movies - Young children who frequently watch movies with smoking scenes, will eventually have the desire to smoke. Even the smoking scenes in the movie called more influential in teenagers than sex scenes, harsh words, or violence.
"The films that contain smoking scenes greater impact if included in the category of movies for teens. More often they watch movies like that, they will feel that smoking makes them look like movie stars," said Dr.James Sargent, of Geisel School of Medicine.
Sargent and colleagues conducted a study of more than 500 best-selling movies (box office) in recent years. They want to know how often a character in the movie looks smoking. Then the researchers conducted interviews in 6500 children in the United States aged 10-14 years to, to find out what movies they watch.
The findings are published in the journal Pediatrics shows, from the film for teenagers there are 275 categories and 93 scenes of smoking scenes in movies adult category.
Impact on the children who watched the film are those emulate. Nearly 49 percent of children who are watching the scene said she tried cigarette smoking.
"Too often see smoking scenes in movies are potential factors that encourage children's smoking, especially if they've seen it early," said Dr.Brian Primack, head of research program areas of Media and Health from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.
Therefore, parents are advised untul more careful in selected the spectacle for the children, either on television or the movies. "Parents should be made to watch as well as restrictions limiting unhealthy foods," said Sargent.
Child Will Imitate Smoking Scenes in Movies - Young children who frequently watch movies with smoking scenes, will eventually have the desire to smoke. Even the smoking scenes in the movie called more influential in teenagers than sex scenes, harsh words, or violence.
"The films that contain smoking scenes greater impact if included in the category of movies for teens. More often they watch movies like that, they will feel that smoking makes them look like movie stars," said Dr.James Sargent, of Geisel School of Medicine.
Sargent and colleagues conducted a study of more than 500 best-selling movies (box office) in recent years. They want to know how often a character in the movie looks smoking. Then the researchers conducted interviews in 6500 children in the United States aged 10-14 years to, to find out what movies they watch.
The findings are published in the journal Pediatrics shows, from the film for teenagers there are 275 categories and 93 scenes of smoking scenes in movies adult category.
Impact on the children who watched the film are those emulate. Nearly 49 percent of children who are watching the scene said she tried cigarette smoking.
"Too often see smoking scenes in movies are potential factors that encourage children's smoking, especially if they've seen it early," said Dr.Brian Primack, head of research program areas of Media and Health from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.
Therefore, parents are advised untul more careful in selected the spectacle for the children, either on television or the movies. "Parents should be made to watch as well as restrictions limiting unhealthy foods," said Sargent.
Lack of Vitamin D Risk of Diabetes
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Lack of Vitamin D Risk of Diabetes - Research experts re-linking between low levels of vitamin D with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. In research released at the annual meeting of The Endocrine Society in Houston, researchers found an inverse relationship between vitamin D levels in the blood with metabolic syndrome, which is a group of risk factors for heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Researchers reported that those with the highest levels of vitamin D in their blood had 48 percent lower risk of having metabolic syndrome than people with low vitamin D levels.
"This association has been documented before, but we are expanding our research association for people from racial and ethnic backgrounds are diverse," said lead researcher, Joanna Mitri, MD, a researcher at Tufts Medical Center, Boston.
According to researchers, all participants involved in the research group at risk for diabetes because they have pre-diabetes or high blood sugar levels but can not be classified as diabetes.
Based on data from Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), United States, pre-diabetes affects approximately 79 million Americans aged 20 or older.
In his study, Mitri and colleagues divided the participants into three groups based on levels of plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D, the most commonly used to measure vitamin D status in the body. Institute of Medicine states, levels of vitamin D in the blood considered normal if 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels are at level 20 to 30 ng / mL.
The group with the highest levels of vitamin D concentration of vitamin D have an average of 30.6 nanograms per milliliter (ng / mL), and at the lowest concentration of vitamin D have an average of 12.1 ng / mL. The findings showed that participants with low vitamin D levels of risk for the metabolic syndrome.
Researchers also found that participants with the best vitamin D status has a smaller waist circumference, the good cholesterol (HDL) and higher blood sugar levels are low.
Mitri warned, their study does not prove that vitamin D deficiency causes diabetes type 2, or even no relationship between the two conditions.
"Metabolic syndrome is a common condition and the development of type 2 diabetes is very high. If a causal relationship can be seen in the current study, it is important for people to take supplements of vitamin D because of readily available and relatively cheap," he concluded.
Lack of Vitamin D Risk of Diabetes - Research experts re-linking between low levels of vitamin D with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. In research released at the annual meeting of The Endocrine Society in Houston, researchers found an inverse relationship between vitamin D levels in the blood with metabolic syndrome, which is a group of risk factors for heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Researchers reported that those with the highest levels of vitamin D in their blood had 48 percent lower risk of having metabolic syndrome than people with low vitamin D levels.
"This association has been documented before, but we are expanding our research association for people from racial and ethnic backgrounds are diverse," said lead researcher, Joanna Mitri, MD, a researcher at Tufts Medical Center, Boston.
According to researchers, all participants involved in the research group at risk for diabetes because they have pre-diabetes or high blood sugar levels but can not be classified as diabetes.
Based on data from Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), United States, pre-diabetes affects approximately 79 million Americans aged 20 or older.
In his study, Mitri and colleagues divided the participants into three groups based on levels of plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D, the most commonly used to measure vitamin D status in the body. Institute of Medicine states, levels of vitamin D in the blood considered normal if 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels are at level 20 to 30 ng / mL.
The group with the highest levels of vitamin D concentration of vitamin D have an average of 30.6 nanograms per milliliter (ng / mL), and at the lowest concentration of vitamin D have an average of 12.1 ng / mL. The findings showed that participants with low vitamin D levels of risk for the metabolic syndrome.
Researchers also found that participants with the best vitamin D status has a smaller waist circumference, the good cholesterol (HDL) and higher blood sugar levels are low.
Mitri warned, their study does not prove that vitamin D deficiency causes diabetes type 2, or even no relationship between the two conditions.
"Metabolic syndrome is a common condition and the development of type 2 diabetes is very high. If a causal relationship can be seen in the current study, it is important for people to take supplements of vitamin D because of readily available and relatively cheap," he concluded.
The Healthy of Ice Cream
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The Healthy of Ice Cream - That said, the ice cream consumption is prohibited because it is full fat, full sugar, and all other forms of reasons. However, of all that bad, surely there is an upside, right? Here are some points the benefits of eating one or two scoops of ice cream after the meal.
- A low glycemic index
According to the National Dairy Council, the ice cream has a low glycemic index. That means sugar in ice cream is slowly released into the blood. Means again, you'll feel full longer.
- Fewer Calories
As much as 75 grams of ice cream contains far fewer calories than a slice of cheesecake. Ice cream is only 110 calories, 510 calories while the cheesecake.
- Ice cream made from milk
Milk contains vitamins and nutrients that are very useful for the body: potassium, vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin D, and vitamin K.
- Reduce the risk of disease
The study said the ice cream has the potential to reduce the risk of heart disease, colorectal cancer, and high-pressure direction.
Although the ice cream had a number of benefits, it does not mean we should eat them in large quantities. Any excess must be no risk. So, please eat ice cream while considering the amount, yes.
The Healthy of Ice Cream - That said, the ice cream consumption is prohibited because it is full fat, full sugar, and all other forms of reasons. However, of all that bad, surely there is an upside, right? Here are some points the benefits of eating one or two scoops of ice cream after the meal.
- A low glycemic index
According to the National Dairy Council, the ice cream has a low glycemic index. That means sugar in ice cream is slowly released into the blood. Means again, you'll feel full longer.
- Fewer Calories
As much as 75 grams of ice cream contains far fewer calories than a slice of cheesecake. Ice cream is only 110 calories, 510 calories while the cheesecake.
- Ice cream made from milk
Milk contains vitamins and nutrients that are very useful for the body: potassium, vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin D, and vitamin K.
- Reduce the risk of disease
The study said the ice cream has the potential to reduce the risk of heart disease, colorectal cancer, and high-pressure direction.
Although the ice cream had a number of benefits, it does not mean we should eat them in large quantities. Any excess must be no risk. So, please eat ice cream while considering the amount, yes.
8 Temmuz 2012 Pazar
Simple Tips Overcome Stomach Bloating
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Simple Tips Overcome Stomach Bloating - Each person may have experienced a problem with flatulence. Bloating is the abnormal swelling or increase in diameter in the abdominal area so that the stomach feels very full, which can cause abdominal pain.
There are many causes of abdominal bloating, including diet, irritable bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance, reflux, and constipation. If the bloating continues to be a regular problem for you, follow some tips below to beat the feeling of bloating.
1. Hydration. Bloating is a sign that the food is not digested properly by the body. Lack of water intake will cause excessive flatulence. Drink several glasses of water will help in maintaining the balance of sodium in the body. However, make sure you do not consume soft drinks instead of water intake. Instead, you can try adding a little lemon juice and black pepper to water.
2. Reduce salt intake. Many ways you can do to reduce their salt intake. First, preferred to eat fresh foods rather than processed. Many food products and fresh fruits are low salt content. For example, fresh meat is much lower when compared with the salt content of processed versions such as ham, sausages and hot dogs. Second, check the food labels and choose products that have a low salt content.
Third, be careful when you choose a salt substitute. Some foods high in potassium may help reduce some of the problems related to consumption of salt, but it can actually cause problems in the kidneys or heart.
3. Avoid alcoholic beverages sweetened as much as you can. Beware also the consumption of sugar substitutes, such as - sorbitol, xylitol, maltitol, isomalt, lactitol, mannitol, hydrogenated starch hydrolysates and erythritol (HSH) - which tends to add a sense of bloating.
4. Wise in the consumption of milk. Dairy products are full of natural sugar content, which is called lactose - can disrupt the digestive process that causes bloating. If you are lactose intolerant, be sure to avoid cheese and yogurt, because it can cause cramps.
5. Limit eating. Eating smaller portions is not only useful in helping weight loss but also can be the best way to fight flatulence. Eat 4-6 small meals a day and be sure to eat slowly.
6. Moves. Rise from your seat, if the stomach feels bloated. Never miss practice time (sports), if your stomach feels full and uncomfortable. Exercise is a proven effective solution to overcome any kind of digestive disorders because it helps regulate the body's systems. However, if you continue to feel bloated, then you may be experiencing problems and chronic bloating can be something as serious as celiac disease.
Simple Tips Overcome Stomach Bloating - Each person may have experienced a problem with flatulence. Bloating is the abnormal swelling or increase in diameter in the abdominal area so that the stomach feels very full, which can cause abdominal pain.
There are many causes of abdominal bloating, including diet, irritable bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance, reflux, and constipation. If the bloating continues to be a regular problem for you, follow some tips below to beat the feeling of bloating.
1. Hydration. Bloating is a sign that the food is not digested properly by the body. Lack of water intake will cause excessive flatulence. Drink several glasses of water will help in maintaining the balance of sodium in the body. However, make sure you do not consume soft drinks instead of water intake. Instead, you can try adding a little lemon juice and black pepper to water.
2. Reduce salt intake. Many ways you can do to reduce their salt intake. First, preferred to eat fresh foods rather than processed. Many food products and fresh fruits are low salt content. For example, fresh meat is much lower when compared with the salt content of processed versions such as ham, sausages and hot dogs. Second, check the food labels and choose products that have a low salt content.
Third, be careful when you choose a salt substitute. Some foods high in potassium may help reduce some of the problems related to consumption of salt, but it can actually cause problems in the kidneys or heart.
3. Avoid alcoholic beverages sweetened as much as you can. Beware also the consumption of sugar substitutes, such as - sorbitol, xylitol, maltitol, isomalt, lactitol, mannitol, hydrogenated starch hydrolysates and erythritol (HSH) - which tends to add a sense of bloating.
4. Wise in the consumption of milk. Dairy products are full of natural sugar content, which is called lactose - can disrupt the digestive process that causes bloating. If you are lactose intolerant, be sure to avoid cheese and yogurt, because it can cause cramps.
5. Limit eating. Eating smaller portions is not only useful in helping weight loss but also can be the best way to fight flatulence. Eat 4-6 small meals a day and be sure to eat slowly.
6. Moves. Rise from your seat, if the stomach feels bloated. Never miss practice time (sports), if your stomach feels full and uncomfortable. Exercise is a proven effective solution to overcome any kind of digestive disorders because it helps regulate the body's systems. However, if you continue to feel bloated, then you may be experiencing problems and chronic bloating can be something as serious as celiac disease.
Sore Gums Can Leads to Impotence
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Sore Gums Can Leads to Impotence - One more reason why oral hygiene is very important to always be maintained. A recent study indicates that men who have severe gum disease, known as periodontitis, have a greater risk of experiencing erectile dysfunction or impotence.
This is the result of the study the researchers from Taiwan who used data from a large-scale studies. The researchers identified nearly 33,000 men with erectile dysfunction (impotence) and randomly selected approximately 162 000 men without impotence.
The study results showed that about 12 percent of men have periodontitis. In this group, partispan with gum disease about 27 percent of erectile dysfunction and about 9 percent of the rest without sexual problems. The men were monitored over a five-year development condition.
The study found that gum disease is more common in men with erectile dysfunction than the control group. After taking into account lifestyle factors, income, and existing medical conditions, the researchers found gum disease was associated with impotence, especially in young men aged 30 years and older than 70 years.
"Understanding all aspects of how and why the health conditions there are very important for prevention and treatment goals," said Dr. Tobias Kohler, a member of the American Urology Association's Public Media Committee.
"This new study shows how an apparently unrelated conditions that can affect each other. Need more research to understand these findings," he said.
This study does not suggest that gum disease causes impotence, it's just that there is a relationship between the two.
Dr. Aaron Katz, chairman of the urology department at Winthrop-University Hospital, Mineola, New York, put forward a theory about the potential link between gum disease and erectile dysfunction.
"I think the relationship between erectile dysfunction and gum disease is likely due to inflammation in the body and damage blood vessels that supply blood to the penis," he said. He added that men with the condition of periodontitis should try to get good dental care to help solve the problem.
The results of this research will be presented at the American Urological Association, in Atlanta.
Sore Gums Can Leads to Impotence - One more reason why oral hygiene is very important to always be maintained. A recent study indicates that men who have severe gum disease, known as periodontitis, have a greater risk of experiencing erectile dysfunction or impotence.
This is the result of the study the researchers from Taiwan who used data from a large-scale studies. The researchers identified nearly 33,000 men with erectile dysfunction (impotence) and randomly selected approximately 162 000 men without impotence.
The study results showed that about 12 percent of men have periodontitis. In this group, partispan with gum disease about 27 percent of erectile dysfunction and about 9 percent of the rest without sexual problems. The men were monitored over a five-year development condition.
The study found that gum disease is more common in men with erectile dysfunction than the control group. After taking into account lifestyle factors, income, and existing medical conditions, the researchers found gum disease was associated with impotence, especially in young men aged 30 years and older than 70 years.
"Understanding all aspects of how and why the health conditions there are very important for prevention and treatment goals," said Dr. Tobias Kohler, a member of the American Urology Association's Public Media Committee.
"This new study shows how an apparently unrelated conditions that can affect each other. Need more research to understand these findings," he said.
This study does not suggest that gum disease causes impotence, it's just that there is a relationship between the two.
Dr. Aaron Katz, chairman of the urology department at Winthrop-University Hospital, Mineola, New York, put forward a theory about the potential link between gum disease and erectile dysfunction.
"I think the relationship between erectile dysfunction and gum disease is likely due to inflammation in the body and damage blood vessels that supply blood to the penis," he said. He added that men with the condition of periodontitis should try to get good dental care to help solve the problem.
The results of this research will be presented at the American Urological Association, in Atlanta.
U.S. Support Prevent HIV pills for Healthy People
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U.S. Support Prevent HIV pills for Healthy People - U.S. health panel for the first time support the use of HIV prevention drug to healthy people.
Panel recommends U.S. regulators to approve a daily pill, Truvada, to be used by healthy people who are considered at high risk of the virus that causes AIDS. Previously a number of health workers and community groups are active in refusing HIV drugs. The rejection was based on the consideration that the user will get a false sense of security and fears of the emergence of a new type of HIV drug resistance.
On the other hand, those who support the Truvada reasoned that the use of the drug solely for HIV prevention efforts. That effort was not to be used as a single effort of prevention, because other efforts continue to run as a safe sex campaign, use of protective equipment, and routine testing.
Truvada long as it's used for people with HIV and drug use in conjunction with anti-retroviral drugs. Results of the study in 2010 showed that Truvada, a drug made by Gilead Sciences, based in California, can reduce HIV risk in healthy homosexual men and also for HIV among heterosexual HIV-negative but have positive partners, between 44 percent to 73 percent.
Food and drug watchdog U.S. FDA panel will consider the proposal and is expected to make a final decision on 15 June.
U.S. Support Prevent HIV pills for Healthy People - U.S. health panel for the first time support the use of HIV prevention drug to healthy people.
Panel recommends U.S. regulators to approve a daily pill, Truvada, to be used by healthy people who are considered at high risk of the virus that causes AIDS. Previously a number of health workers and community groups are active in refusing HIV drugs. The rejection was based on the consideration that the user will get a false sense of security and fears of the emergence of a new type of HIV drug resistance.
On the other hand, those who support the Truvada reasoned that the use of the drug solely for HIV prevention efforts. That effort was not to be used as a single effort of prevention, because other efforts continue to run as a safe sex campaign, use of protective equipment, and routine testing.
Truvada long as it's used for people with HIV and drug use in conjunction with anti-retroviral drugs. Results of the study in 2010 showed that Truvada, a drug made by Gilead Sciences, based in California, can reduce HIV risk in healthy homosexual men and also for HIV among heterosexual HIV-negative but have positive partners, between 44 percent to 73 percent.
Food and drug watchdog U.S. FDA panel will consider the proposal and is expected to make a final decision on 15 June.
4 Ways to Newborn Care
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4 Ways to Newborn Care - Caring for a newborn to be a very happy experience for new parents. New role as a mother in addition to encouraging sometimes cause concern. During the mothers follow the care instructions midwife or doctor, then do not worry. One thing to consider when caring for a baby is a cautious, careful and not easy to panic.
There are several important concern is to know in relation to newborn care at home. The habits you need to know in order to provide the best care for the baby include:
1. Newborns do not need to wear an octopus.
Treatment with a dressed baby octopus is now slowly becoming obsolete. The use of baby octopus on it will push the baby's stomach and makes babies difficulty breathing. If mothers want to keep an octopus wearing ties should be loose. Do not worry that the baby's umbilical cord will be displaced and anxious about the baby in pain.
The use of an octopus that is too tight it will push the stomach and make the baby uncomfortable. In addition, the baby is also growing organs. Mother worried about the baby's stomach will be bloated? No need to worry. No bloating due to not using the baby as a baby octopus.
In infants, the abdominal wall muscles are still strong and very flexible, so that sometimes appear larger. Along with the baby's growth and motion of the active muscles of the body and the baby will be faster when it started to crawl and walk in a natural condition of the baby's stomach will be much faster because there is movement and activity.
Latest way umbilical cord care, umbilical cord should be left open without adequate wrapped gauze pads and rubbing alcohol while in hospital. Furthermore, in the house every shower soaped and cleaned. What if the cord is bulging later for not wearing an octopus? A new belly button off base sometimes seem a little poking a natural thing, unless conditions are severe umbilical hernia, it is necessary to the pediatrician for a referral for further treatment. Umbilical cord after taking care not need a coin attached to prevent not bulging.
2. Baby care with bedong
Newborns do require warmth, but not by wrapping it tightly with a cloth bedong. When you want to give warmth, should not be too tight folds of fabric. It is advisable for the more frequent release of bedong baby so the baby can move freely. Caring for a baby with a cloth wrap bedong become a habit that some parents than for warmth as well as they worry if your baby look like there are reflexes in the shocked or medical language called hynogogic startles.
Looks like a startled reflex movements of the hands and feet such as seizures and shaking babies, but only a few seconds. This is normal and will disappear on their own when the baby enters the age of 3 months. How to cope with warmth and comfort with a hug, put his hand on the mother's chest gently if surprised that a loud noise and improve the position for comfortable sleep. Perhaps, the mother worried the baby would be crooked legs. No need to worry. Newborn's feet tend to form a little twisted and bent.
The position of the feet when the newborn is still not straight with respect to the position of the baby in the womb. Later gradually returned to normal foot position. Except when there are abnormalities of the bone, the midwife will inform the way of further treatment. Attention to the baby should not be dibedong hot, it will further increase its body temperature, and the baby will be crowded because it could not breathe freely. Mother's hands and feet should be freed from the bonds bedong baby while breastfeeding so the baby can come into contact with his mother. Physical contact is very important for the baby.
3. The use of baby powder.
Newborns should not be given whole body powder after bathing. The risk of inhalation of fine powders of powder will enter the lungs and interfere with breathing baby. If it wants to give the powder should use a pressed powder with a soft sponge. Simply wipe on a thin groin area, under the folds of the knees, armpits, and neck.
Keep clean when the baby shower with soap armpits and folds of the neck area carefully. It would be better if the baby's skin after each bath baby powder or a talk given at all. Baby care after urination and defecation by dropping powder on the buttocks or genitals are not recommended anymore. Scatter the powder it will accumulate dirt on the baby and easy genital blisters or irritation occurs. The pores of the skin of the baby is still very sensitive and need air circulation, especially in the buttocks and genitals are covered. Every baby is urinating or defecating simply wipe with cotton wool soaked in warm water and dry with a soft towel.
4. Safe use of diapers.
Preferably, treatment of infants using cloth diapers are made from soft cotton. If forced to use diapers when traveling, you should often consider the condition of diapers. Replace any wet. The best suggestion is to use cloth diapers from a soft cotton. Cloth diapers are environmentally friendly but also safe for the baby. Baby avoid the risk of allergies and infections and diaper rash. Best wishes may be useful.
Welcome to undergo the role of being a new mom.
4 Ways to Newborn Care - Caring for a newborn to be a very happy experience for new parents. New role as a mother in addition to encouraging sometimes cause concern. During the mothers follow the care instructions midwife or doctor, then do not worry. One thing to consider when caring for a baby is a cautious, careful and not easy to panic.
There are several important concern is to know in relation to newborn care at home. The habits you need to know in order to provide the best care for the baby include:
1. Newborns do not need to wear an octopus.
Treatment with a dressed baby octopus is now slowly becoming obsolete. The use of baby octopus on it will push the baby's stomach and makes babies difficulty breathing. If mothers want to keep an octopus wearing ties should be loose. Do not worry that the baby's umbilical cord will be displaced and anxious about the baby in pain.
The use of an octopus that is too tight it will push the stomach and make the baby uncomfortable. In addition, the baby is also growing organs. Mother worried about the baby's stomach will be bloated? No need to worry. No bloating due to not using the baby as a baby octopus.
In infants, the abdominal wall muscles are still strong and very flexible, so that sometimes appear larger. Along with the baby's growth and motion of the active muscles of the body and the baby will be faster when it started to crawl and walk in a natural condition of the baby's stomach will be much faster because there is movement and activity.
Latest way umbilical cord care, umbilical cord should be left open without adequate wrapped gauze pads and rubbing alcohol while in hospital. Furthermore, in the house every shower soaped and cleaned. What if the cord is bulging later for not wearing an octopus? A new belly button off base sometimes seem a little poking a natural thing, unless conditions are severe umbilical hernia, it is necessary to the pediatrician for a referral for further treatment. Umbilical cord after taking care not need a coin attached to prevent not bulging.
2. Baby care with bedong
Newborns do require warmth, but not by wrapping it tightly with a cloth bedong. When you want to give warmth, should not be too tight folds of fabric. It is advisable for the more frequent release of bedong baby so the baby can move freely. Caring for a baby with a cloth wrap bedong become a habit that some parents than for warmth as well as they worry if your baby look like there are reflexes in the shocked or medical language called hynogogic startles.
Looks like a startled reflex movements of the hands and feet such as seizures and shaking babies, but only a few seconds. This is normal and will disappear on their own when the baby enters the age of 3 months. How to cope with warmth and comfort with a hug, put his hand on the mother's chest gently if surprised that a loud noise and improve the position for comfortable sleep. Perhaps, the mother worried the baby would be crooked legs. No need to worry. Newborn's feet tend to form a little twisted and bent.
The position of the feet when the newborn is still not straight with respect to the position of the baby in the womb. Later gradually returned to normal foot position. Except when there are abnormalities of the bone, the midwife will inform the way of further treatment. Attention to the baby should not be dibedong hot, it will further increase its body temperature, and the baby will be crowded because it could not breathe freely. Mother's hands and feet should be freed from the bonds bedong baby while breastfeeding so the baby can come into contact with his mother. Physical contact is very important for the baby.
3. The use of baby powder.
Newborns should not be given whole body powder after bathing. The risk of inhalation of fine powders of powder will enter the lungs and interfere with breathing baby. If it wants to give the powder should use a pressed powder with a soft sponge. Simply wipe on a thin groin area, under the folds of the knees, armpits, and neck.
Keep clean when the baby shower with soap armpits and folds of the neck area carefully. It would be better if the baby's skin after each bath baby powder or a talk given at all. Baby care after urination and defecation by dropping powder on the buttocks or genitals are not recommended anymore. Scatter the powder it will accumulate dirt on the baby and easy genital blisters or irritation occurs. The pores of the skin of the baby is still very sensitive and need air circulation, especially in the buttocks and genitals are covered. Every baby is urinating or defecating simply wipe with cotton wool soaked in warm water and dry with a soft towel.
4. Safe use of diapers.
Preferably, treatment of infants using cloth diapers are made from soft cotton. If forced to use diapers when traveling, you should often consider the condition of diapers. Replace any wet. The best suggestion is to use cloth diapers from a soft cotton. Cloth diapers are environmentally friendly but also safe for the baby. Baby avoid the risk of allergies and infections and diaper rash. Best wishes may be useful.
Welcome to undergo the role of being a new mom.
Many Smart Children Born out of the 40-year-old mother's
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Many Smart Children Born out of the 40-year-old mother's - Childbearing at older ages did not always have an adverse effect. A recent research British scientists indicated that children born to mothers aged an average of more than 40 years tend to be healthier, smarter, and rarely in the hospital.
In addition, these children will also develop a wider vocabulary than children born to young mothers as well as having higher scores when IQ tests in various sizes up to age five.
The results of this study will be presented at a conference of The Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health, Glasgow Scotland. According to researchers, the findings are good news especially for women who delay pregnancy at a young age.
Previous research has highlighted the various levels of infertility that may be experienced by vulnerable older women and a greater risk of diabetes and pre-eclampsia. But new research seems to show advantages for older mothers after they give birth, probably because of their greater experience and maturity.
Researchers note, the number of mothers who give birth at the age of 40 years increased from 15,000 in 2000 to 27 000 in 2010.
Researchers from the Institute of Child Health, University College London and Birkbeck College, London, said the findings suggest that older mothers may be a better parent.
Dr Alastair Sutcliffe, researcher in the research, said the negative publicity concerning the older mothers is based on the physical risks of pregnancy and childbirth.
"We have clear evidence that something is desirable for the children of older mothers than younger mothers. We were able to convince older women that their children might be better," he said.
The Wellcome Foundation who funded this research studied 1,100 children born to women aged 40 years or more. Then the investigators compared with 38,000 children born to younger women in the UK. Ages of children ranged from nine months to five years.
Results showed that children of older mothers tend to rarely have an accident or in the hospital and have a lower risk of obesity.
"We found a sequence that shows the relationship between older age of the mother and better results. This is the effect of aging per se," said Sutclife.
"The big question is why? Older mother seems to have skills as a better parent. They tend to be less impulsive, more calm and have more life experience that makes their role as parents is better," he concluded.
Many Smart Children Born out of the 40-year-old mother's - Childbearing at older ages did not always have an adverse effect. A recent research British scientists indicated that children born to mothers aged an average of more than 40 years tend to be healthier, smarter, and rarely in the hospital.
In addition, these children will also develop a wider vocabulary than children born to young mothers as well as having higher scores when IQ tests in various sizes up to age five.
The results of this study will be presented at a conference of The Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health, Glasgow Scotland. According to researchers, the findings are good news especially for women who delay pregnancy at a young age.
Previous research has highlighted the various levels of infertility that may be experienced by vulnerable older women and a greater risk of diabetes and pre-eclampsia. But new research seems to show advantages for older mothers after they give birth, probably because of their greater experience and maturity.
Researchers note, the number of mothers who give birth at the age of 40 years increased from 15,000 in 2000 to 27 000 in 2010.
Researchers from the Institute of Child Health, University College London and Birkbeck College, London, said the findings suggest that older mothers may be a better parent.
Dr Alastair Sutcliffe, researcher in the research, said the negative publicity concerning the older mothers is based on the physical risks of pregnancy and childbirth.
"We have clear evidence that something is desirable for the children of older mothers than younger mothers. We were able to convince older women that their children might be better," he said.
The Wellcome Foundation who funded this research studied 1,100 children born to women aged 40 years or more. Then the investigators compared with 38,000 children born to younger women in the UK. Ages of children ranged from nine months to five years.
Results showed that children of older mothers tend to rarely have an accident or in the hospital and have a lower risk of obesity.
"We found a sequence that shows the relationship between older age of the mother and better results. This is the effect of aging per se," said Sutclife.
"The big question is why? Older mother seems to have skills as a better parent. They tend to be less impulsive, more calm and have more life experience that makes their role as parents is better," he concluded.
7 Temmuz 2012 Cumartesi
Mashup: "The Bitter Earth/On The Nature of Daylight" (Dinah Washington & Max Richter)
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Composer Max Richter created such an epic and somber piece with his mashup of Dinah Washington's "This Bitter Earth" and his own composition "On The Nature of Daylight." Entitled "The Bitter Earth/On The Nature of Daylight," the song is lifted from the "Shuttle Island" soundtrack and is a sublime compilation Max's instrumental "On The Nature of Daylight" and Washington's vocal performance of "This Bitter Earth." Though recorded more then 50 years a part from one another, this mashup is phenomenal and is one THE BEST mashup that I've heard point blank period. Take a listen below to "The Bitter Earth/On The Nature of Daylight," and Enjoy!
Composer Max Richter created such an epic and somber piece with his mashup of Dinah Washington's "This Bitter Earth" and his own composition "On The Nature of Daylight." Entitled "The Bitter Earth/On The Nature of Daylight," the song is lifted from the "Shuttle Island" soundtrack and is a sublime compilation Max's instrumental "On The Nature of Daylight" and Washington's vocal performance of "This Bitter Earth." Though recorded more then 50 years a part from one another, this mashup is phenomenal and is one THE BEST mashup that I've heard point blank period. Take a listen below to "The Bitter Earth/On The Nature of Daylight," and Enjoy!
Live Video of the Day: "Come See Me" (Jill Scott)
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During Jill Scott's recent Vh1 Storytellers, the Grammy-winning Philadelphia songstress performed her cut "Come See Me," from her third LP "The Real Thing: Words and Sounds Vol. 3." Offering a play on academics to set the tone for this rendition, Scott and her band knock it out the park on this and the guitar rifts will really get you to feeling something. Peep Scott's sublime performance of "Come See Me" below and Enjoy!
During Jill Scott's recent Vh1 Storytellers, the Grammy-winning Philadelphia songstress performed her cut "Come See Me," from her third LP "The Real Thing: Words and Sounds Vol. 3." Offering a play on academics to set the tone for this rendition, Scott and her band knock it out the park on this and the guitar rifts will really get you to feeling something. Peep Scott's sublime performance of "Come See Me" below and Enjoy!
New Joint: "Sweet Love" (Frank Ocean)
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After opening up about his personal life earlier this week, Frank Ocean has released the third single from his forthcoming debut album "channel ORANGE" in the form of the Pharrell Williams co-produced and co-written mid-tempo "Sweet Love." Showcasing his lower register in addition to his falsetto and some solid wordsmithing, you can take a listen below to his new single and lookout for "channel ORANGE" when it's released on July 17th.
After opening up about his personal life earlier this week, Frank Ocean has released the third single from his forthcoming debut album "channel ORANGE" in the form of the Pharrell Williams co-produced and co-written mid-tempo "Sweet Love." Showcasing his lower register in addition to his falsetto and some solid wordsmithing, you can take a listen below to his new single and lookout for "channel ORANGE" when it's released on July 17th.
Remix: "Tonight (Best You Ever Had) (Remix)" (John Legend featuring Pusha T)
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Pusha T upped-the-anti on John Legend's single "Tonight" from the "Think Like A Man" soundtrack and his forthcoming fall LP "Love in the Future." Pusha T and Legend are also expected to collaborate on Pusha T's upcoming album as Legend tweeted "Can’t wait for you to hear what else @PUSHA_T and I did together for his album." Take a listen below to the official remix for "Tonight (Best You Ever Had)" and Enjoy!
Pusha T upped-the-anti on John Legend's single "Tonight" from the "Think Like A Man" soundtrack and his forthcoming fall LP "Love in the Future." Pusha T and Legend are also expected to collaborate on Pusha T's upcoming album as Legend tweeted "Can’t wait for you to hear what else @PUSHA_T and I did together for his album." Take a listen below to the official remix for "Tonight (Best You Ever Had)" and Enjoy!
Album Stream: "Is Your Love Big Enough?" (Lianne La Havas)
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UK artist-on-the-rise Lianne La Havas has released an official album stream of her forthcoming debut album much to my delight. While we here in the States will have to wait a few months for the official release of her album (hopefully)," we can enjoy it from afar and if inclined, as I am, order a copy from the UK Amazon. With that said, take a listen below to her sublime debut album "Is Your Love Big Enough?" and Enjoy!
UK artist-on-the-rise Lianne La Havas has released an official album stream of her forthcoming debut album much to my delight. While we here in the States will have to wait a few months for the official release of her album (hopefully)," we can enjoy it from afar and if inclined, as I am, order a copy from the UK Amazon. With that said, take a listen below to her sublime debut album "Is Your Love Big Enough?" and Enjoy!
5 Temmuz 2012 Perşembe
Many Smart Children Born out of the 40-year-old mother's
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Many Smart Children Born out of the 40-year-old mother's - Childbearing at older ages did not always have an adverse effect. A recent research British scientists indicated that children born to mothers aged an average of more than 40 years tend to be healthier, smarter, and rarely in the hospital.
In addition, these children will also develop a wider vocabulary than children born to young mothers as well as having higher scores when IQ tests in various sizes up to age five.
The results of this study will be presented at a conference of The Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health, Glasgow Scotland. According to researchers, the findings are good news especially for women who delay pregnancy at a young age.
Previous research has highlighted the various levels of infertility that may be experienced by vulnerable older women and a greater risk of diabetes and pre-eclampsia. But new research seems to show advantages for older mothers after they give birth, probably because of their greater experience and maturity.
Researchers note, the number of mothers who give birth at the age of 40 years increased from 15,000 in 2000 to 27 000 in 2010.
Researchers from the Institute of Child Health, University College London and Birkbeck College, London, said the findings suggest that older mothers may be a better parent.
Dr Alastair Sutcliffe, researcher in the research, said the negative publicity concerning the older mothers is based on the physical risks of pregnancy and childbirth.
"We have clear evidence that something is desirable for the children of older mothers than younger mothers. We were able to convince older women that their children might be better," he said.
The Wellcome Foundation who funded this research studied 1,100 children born to women aged 40 years or more. Then the investigators compared with 38,000 children born to younger women in the UK. Ages of children ranged from nine months to five years.
Results showed that children of older mothers tend to rarely have an accident or in the hospital and have a lower risk of obesity.
"We found a sequence that shows the relationship between older age of the mother and better results. This is the effect of aging per se," said Sutclife.
"The big question is why? Older mother seems to have skills as a better parent. They tend to be less impulsive, more calm and have more life experience that makes their role as parents is better," he concluded.
Many Smart Children Born out of the 40-year-old mother's - Childbearing at older ages did not always have an adverse effect. A recent research British scientists indicated that children born to mothers aged an average of more than 40 years tend to be healthier, smarter, and rarely in the hospital.
In addition, these children will also develop a wider vocabulary than children born to young mothers as well as having higher scores when IQ tests in various sizes up to age five.
The results of this study will be presented at a conference of The Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health, Glasgow Scotland. According to researchers, the findings are good news especially for women who delay pregnancy at a young age.
Previous research has highlighted the various levels of infertility that may be experienced by vulnerable older women and a greater risk of diabetes and pre-eclampsia. But new research seems to show advantages for older mothers after they give birth, probably because of their greater experience and maturity.
Researchers note, the number of mothers who give birth at the age of 40 years increased from 15,000 in 2000 to 27 000 in 2010.
Researchers from the Institute of Child Health, University College London and Birkbeck College, London, said the findings suggest that older mothers may be a better parent.
Dr Alastair Sutcliffe, researcher in the research, said the negative publicity concerning the older mothers is based on the physical risks of pregnancy and childbirth.
"We have clear evidence that something is desirable for the children of older mothers than younger mothers. We were able to convince older women that their children might be better," he said.
The Wellcome Foundation who funded this research studied 1,100 children born to women aged 40 years or more. Then the investigators compared with 38,000 children born to younger women in the UK. Ages of children ranged from nine months to five years.
Results showed that children of older mothers tend to rarely have an accident or in the hospital and have a lower risk of obesity.
"We found a sequence that shows the relationship between older age of the mother and better results. This is the effect of aging per se," said Sutclife.
"The big question is why? Older mother seems to have skills as a better parent. They tend to be less impulsive, more calm and have more life experience that makes their role as parents is better," he concluded.
One-third in the World Fake Malaria Drugs
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One-third in the World Fake Malaria Drugs - Third of malaria drugs are used around the world to stem the disease proved to be false.
The findings are revealed in The Lancet Infectious Diseases study that examines approximately 1,500 samples from seven malaria drugs from seven countries in Southeast Asia.
They claimed the drugs malaria is qualified very low and false, causing drug resistance and treatment failure.
In addition to Southeast Asia, experts from research institutes also found similar data in 21 countries of sub-Saharan Africa after testing more than 2,500 drug samples.
A number of observers to assess the health problems of these findings is a'' warning''.
The researchers from the Fogarty International Center at the Institute of Health (NIH) who participated in this study believe that this problem may be much larger than the data revealed.
"Most cases probably go unreported, reported to the wrong institution, or remain anonymous by drug companies,'' said the researcher.
Minimal supervision
After all the research related to drug quality has never been done extensively in China or India - a country with one third of world population and'' likely'' source of many counterfeit drugs, including anti-malaria drugs.
Nayyar Gaurvika lead researcher emphasized that the 3.3 billion people at risk of malaria, which has been classified as endemic in 106 countries.
"Between 655 000 and 1.2 million people die each year from Plasmodium falciparum infection,'' he said.
'' Most of this morbidity and mortality can be avoided if the drug available to patients nutritious, high quality, and used properly.''
This study also found that many facilities are not adequate to monitor the quality of anti-malaria drugs and low knowledge of consumers and health professionals over medication therapy.
And also found a lack of regulation that oversees the drug manufacturer and the lack of penalties for counterfeiters.
However, the malaria mortality rate has dropped more than 25% globally since 2000, and by 33% in the African region.
But the UN health organization, WHO said that maintaining the current rate of progress will not be sufficient to meet the target of malaria control globally.
This requires investment in the renewal of diagnostic testing, treatment, and surveillance for malaria.
One-third in the World Fake Malaria Drugs - Third of malaria drugs are used around the world to stem the disease proved to be false.
The findings are revealed in The Lancet Infectious Diseases study that examines approximately 1,500 samples from seven malaria drugs from seven countries in Southeast Asia.
They claimed the drugs malaria is qualified very low and false, causing drug resistance and treatment failure.
In addition to Southeast Asia, experts from research institutes also found similar data in 21 countries of sub-Saharan Africa after testing more than 2,500 drug samples.
A number of observers to assess the health problems of these findings is a'' warning''.
The researchers from the Fogarty International Center at the Institute of Health (NIH) who participated in this study believe that this problem may be much larger than the data revealed.
"Most cases probably go unreported, reported to the wrong institution, or remain anonymous by drug companies,'' said the researcher.
Minimal supervision
After all the research related to drug quality has never been done extensively in China or India - a country with one third of world population and'' likely'' source of many counterfeit drugs, including anti-malaria drugs.
Nayyar Gaurvika lead researcher emphasized that the 3.3 billion people at risk of malaria, which has been classified as endemic in 106 countries.
"Between 655 000 and 1.2 million people die each year from Plasmodium falciparum infection,'' he said.
'' Most of this morbidity and mortality can be avoided if the drug available to patients nutritious, high quality, and used properly.''
This study also found that many facilities are not adequate to monitor the quality of anti-malaria drugs and low knowledge of consumers and health professionals over medication therapy.
And also found a lack of regulation that oversees the drug manufacturer and the lack of penalties for counterfeiters.
However, the malaria mortality rate has dropped more than 25% globally since 2000, and by 33% in the African region.
But the UN health organization, WHO said that maintaining the current rate of progress will not be sufficient to meet the target of malaria control globally.
This requires investment in the renewal of diagnostic testing, treatment, and surveillance for malaria.
Most Antibiotics
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Most Antibiotics - Dependence on imported raw materials Indonesia is the largest drug for the manufacture of antibiotics. As the country is facing a variety of infectious diseases, antibiotics are basic drug needs in Indonesia.
Import of pharmaceutical raw materials susceptible to changes in price, quality, and continuity of supply. In fact, the drug is a function of social commodities and determine the lives of many. Currently, 96 percent of raw materials imported drugs.
"The raw materials are imported drugs for most antibiotics. The drug was much needed by the community, "said Deputy Secretary General of the Indonesian Pharmaceutical Association Kendrariadi Suhanda on the sidelines of the trade show's first largest pharmaceutical raw materials in the ASEAN Convention on Pharmaceutical Ingredients Southeast Asia in Jakarta International Expo on Thursday (10/5).
That 70-80 percent of raw materials imported from China and India for 10 years. The rest of the several states.
In addition to antibiotics, which are also in great demand with increasing non-infectious and degenerative disease is the cure high blood pressure, heart problems, respiratory, and diabetes.
Raw material medicines were widely exported to Indonesia, the Director General of the Pharmaceutical Export Promotion Council of India PV Appaji.
India is also exporting generic drugs. The export value of pharmaceutical raw materials from India to Indonesia about 45 million U.S. dollars, the value of exports of generic drugs about 12.5 million U.S. dollars.
Investment materials
Kendrariadi say, if it is going to be invited foreign investment pharmacy, better raw material for the drug industry. Foreign investment is expected to include companies in the country as a partner. Production not only for the Indonesian market, but also the Asia market. Determine the production capacity and price competition into consideration the foreign investor.
"If a drug can be manufactured raw materials at competitive prices in Indonesia, hopes to be cheaper drug prices," said Kendrariadi.
PV Appaji said, the development of pharmaceuticals in India as at present it takes about 40 years. First, India Indonesia experienced similar problems in dealing with various diseases due to high prices of medicines.
One point to determine the progress of the pharmaceutical industry when the government and industry support and encourage the use of generic drug production in the 1970s. Cheap drug prices are increasingly open public access to the drugs and creating a market.
Currently, the Indian pharmaceutical industry contributes about 8 percent of total world drug production and drug exporting to various countries. Of India also, medicines for global tuberculosis treatment programs, HIV / AIDS, and malaria are carried from various international organizations.
Most Antibiotics - Dependence on imported raw materials Indonesia is the largest drug for the manufacture of antibiotics. As the country is facing a variety of infectious diseases, antibiotics are basic drug needs in Indonesia.
Import of pharmaceutical raw materials susceptible to changes in price, quality, and continuity of supply. In fact, the drug is a function of social commodities and determine the lives of many. Currently, 96 percent of raw materials imported drugs.
"The raw materials are imported drugs for most antibiotics. The drug was much needed by the community, "said Deputy Secretary General of the Indonesian Pharmaceutical Association Kendrariadi Suhanda on the sidelines of the trade show's first largest pharmaceutical raw materials in the ASEAN Convention on Pharmaceutical Ingredients Southeast Asia in Jakarta International Expo on Thursday (10/5).
That 70-80 percent of raw materials imported from China and India for 10 years. The rest of the several states.
In addition to antibiotics, which are also in great demand with increasing non-infectious and degenerative disease is the cure high blood pressure, heart problems, respiratory, and diabetes.
Raw material medicines were widely exported to Indonesia, the Director General of the Pharmaceutical Export Promotion Council of India PV Appaji.
India is also exporting generic drugs. The export value of pharmaceutical raw materials from India to Indonesia about 45 million U.S. dollars, the value of exports of generic drugs about 12.5 million U.S. dollars.
Investment materials
Kendrariadi say, if it is going to be invited foreign investment pharmacy, better raw material for the drug industry. Foreign investment is expected to include companies in the country as a partner. Production not only for the Indonesian market, but also the Asia market. Determine the production capacity and price competition into consideration the foreign investor.
"If a drug can be manufactured raw materials at competitive prices in Indonesia, hopes to be cheaper drug prices," said Kendrariadi.
PV Appaji said, the development of pharmaceuticals in India as at present it takes about 40 years. First, India Indonesia experienced similar problems in dealing with various diseases due to high prices of medicines.
One point to determine the progress of the pharmaceutical industry when the government and industry support and encourage the use of generic drug production in the 1970s. Cheap drug prices are increasingly open public access to the drugs and creating a market.
Currently, the Indian pharmaceutical industry contributes about 8 percent of total world drug production and drug exporting to various countries. Of India also, medicines for global tuberculosis treatment programs, HIV / AIDS, and malaria are carried from various international organizations.
Relax in the garden path can Banish Depression
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Relax in the garden path can Banish Depression - Perform light activities, like walking in the park, can provide benefits for people with depressive disorders. According to the findings of researchers, Marc Berman, of the Baycrest Rotman Research Institute, in collaboration with researchers at Michigan and Stanford University.
"Our study showed that participants with clinical depression showed better memory performance after a walk in nature rather than walk in a busy urban environment," he said.
The findings are published in the Journal of Affective Dosorder. However, Berman warned, the activity of walking can not replace existing methods of treatment so far for clinical depression, such as psychotherapy and drug therapy.
Research conducted Berman is part of the field of cognitive science known as Attention Restoration Theory (ART). ART emphasizes that we can concentrate better after spending time in nature or a natural look.
Previous research published in the journal Psychological Science found that healthy adults who walk for one hour in a park-showing an increase in performance on tests of memory and attention by 20 percent-than those who walk leisurely for an hour in a noisy urban environment.
In his study, Berman and colleagues involved participants from the University of Michigan and Ann Arbor with a history of clinical depression. Researchers trying to find out whether walking leisurely in nature will provide the same cognitive benefits, and also improve mood for people with clinical depression.
The findings showed that participants experienced a 16 percent increase in attention and working memory after a leisurely walk in nature rather than a leisurely stroll in the urban area.
Relax in the garden path can Banish Depression - Perform light activities, like walking in the park, can provide benefits for people with depressive disorders. According to the findings of researchers, Marc Berman, of the Baycrest Rotman Research Institute, in collaboration with researchers at Michigan and Stanford University.
"Our study showed that participants with clinical depression showed better memory performance after a walk in nature rather than walk in a busy urban environment," he said.
The findings are published in the Journal of Affective Dosorder. However, Berman warned, the activity of walking can not replace existing methods of treatment so far for clinical depression, such as psychotherapy and drug therapy.
Research conducted Berman is part of the field of cognitive science known as Attention Restoration Theory (ART). ART emphasizes that we can concentrate better after spending time in nature or a natural look.
Previous research published in the journal Psychological Science found that healthy adults who walk for one hour in a park-showing an increase in performance on tests of memory and attention by 20 percent-than those who walk leisurely for an hour in a noisy urban environment.
In his study, Berman and colleagues involved participants from the University of Michigan and Ann Arbor with a history of clinical depression. Researchers trying to find out whether walking leisurely in nature will provide the same cognitive benefits, and also improve mood for people with clinical depression.
The findings showed that participants experienced a 16 percent increase in attention and working memory after a leisurely walk in nature rather than a leisurely stroll in the urban area.
Too Spicy Food Gastric Damage
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Too Spicy Food Gastric Damage - Spicy food is appetizing as well as create a sense of curiosity. No wonder when the product level adjacent spicy chips continue to be hunted man even when menyantapkan mouth was on fire. But those who have had digestive problems are advised to avoid food products that are too spicy.
That we need to realize, everyone has different sensitivities intestine. In those who suffer from digestive disorders, according dr.Ari Fahrial, Sp.PD, a digestion of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, it is not advisable to consume too much spicy food products because it could aggravate digestive problems.
"Be careful to have digestive problems," he said in an e-mail. He described the experience of patients who had gastric complaints after mengasup spicy chips products. "After my binoculars was found wounded in the stomach," he added.
Consumption of spicy food that is too often can cause the hull surface to become brittle and prone to injury. The disease is called gastritis aka mag, which is due to inflammation of the lining of the stomach. Because the stomach is often overridden spicy foods cause the layers thin and prone to infection.
Four people who still want to eat super spicy foods, dr.Ari advocate for pushing to mix it with other food decreases the effect of spiciness. "You should also get ready to drugs or mukoprotektor protective wall of the stomach," he said.
Spicy taste of cayenne are derived from capcaisin, according dr.Ari actually beneficial to the body. Among other pain relievers, anti-inflammation, increase appetite, and launched a bowel movement. But if too much is certainly dangerous.
"In everyday practice I was never banned people not to eat spicy just do not over-much, and for those who are experiencing pain in her gut to avoid temporary," he explained.
He further requested that spicy food manufacturers provide warnings on product packaging to be indigestion. He also hoped that spicy flavor in food products is limited.
Too Spicy Food Gastric Damage - Spicy food is appetizing as well as create a sense of curiosity. No wonder when the product level adjacent spicy chips continue to be hunted man even when menyantapkan mouth was on fire. But those who have had digestive problems are advised to avoid food products that are too spicy.
That we need to realize, everyone has different sensitivities intestine. In those who suffer from digestive disorders, according dr.Ari Fahrial, Sp.PD, a digestion of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, it is not advisable to consume too much spicy food products because it could aggravate digestive problems.
"Be careful to have digestive problems," he said in an e-mail. He described the experience of patients who had gastric complaints after mengasup spicy chips products. "After my binoculars was found wounded in the stomach," he added.
Consumption of spicy food that is too often can cause the hull surface to become brittle and prone to injury. The disease is called gastritis aka mag, which is due to inflammation of the lining of the stomach. Because the stomach is often overridden spicy foods cause the layers thin and prone to infection.
Four people who still want to eat super spicy foods, dr.Ari advocate for pushing to mix it with other food decreases the effect of spiciness. "You should also get ready to drugs or mukoprotektor protective wall of the stomach," he said.
Spicy taste of cayenne are derived from capcaisin, according dr.Ari actually beneficial to the body. Among other pain relievers, anti-inflammation, increase appetite, and launched a bowel movement. But if too much is certainly dangerous.
"In everyday practice I was never banned people not to eat spicy just do not over-much, and for those who are experiencing pain in her gut to avoid temporary," he explained.
He further requested that spicy food manufacturers provide warnings on product packaging to be indigestion. He also hoped that spicy flavor in food products is limited.
4 Temmuz 2012 Çarşamba
Prevent Diabetes with Diligent Walk
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Prevent Diabetes with Diligent Walk - Among those who were less physically active and at high risk of diabetes, people are more likely to walk away apparently more rarely have diabetes. The recommended walk 10,000 steps each day. In every 2,000 steps equals one mile (1.6 km).
According to research published in the journal Diabetes Care, noted that physical activity is essential for preventing diabetes. In fact, light activity such as walking can be a good investment for health.
Several studies have linked it between regular walking with a lower risk of diabetes, but so far have not mentioned how many steps must be performed.
Amanda Fretts, lead researcher from the University of Washington, do some research by asking 1,800 people use pedometers at their waist for a week to see precisely how many steps they walk each day.
The respondents in this study come from indigenous communities in Arizona, Oklahoma, and North and South Dakota, which is known to have low levels of physical activity as well as at high risk of diabetes.
Nearly a quarter of the respondents are very rarely known to move, walk 3500 steps each day, while half were running less than 7800 steps per day.
At the beginning of the study, all respondents did not have diabetes. But re-evaluated after 5 years, 234 people affected by diabetes. Approximately 17 percent of people who suffer from diabetes rarely move. While the group walked more than 3,500 steps per day is only 12 percent of diabetes.
"Our results are not surprising because several other studies have shown that mild physical activity can reduce the risk of diabetes," Fretts said.
He explained that physical activity will prevent obesity as a risk factor for diabetes. Active also have an effect on inflammation, glucose and other molecules in the body which can reduce the risk of diabetes.
Prevent Diabetes with Diligent Walk - Among those who were less physically active and at high risk of diabetes, people are more likely to walk away apparently more rarely have diabetes. The recommended walk 10,000 steps each day. In every 2,000 steps equals one mile (1.6 km).
According to research published in the journal Diabetes Care, noted that physical activity is essential for preventing diabetes. In fact, light activity such as walking can be a good investment for health.
Several studies have linked it between regular walking with a lower risk of diabetes, but so far have not mentioned how many steps must be performed.
Amanda Fretts, lead researcher from the University of Washington, do some research by asking 1,800 people use pedometers at their waist for a week to see precisely how many steps they walk each day.
The respondents in this study come from indigenous communities in Arizona, Oklahoma, and North and South Dakota, which is known to have low levels of physical activity as well as at high risk of diabetes.
Nearly a quarter of the respondents are very rarely known to move, walk 3500 steps each day, while half were running less than 7800 steps per day.
At the beginning of the study, all respondents did not have diabetes. But re-evaluated after 5 years, 234 people affected by diabetes. Approximately 17 percent of people who suffer from diabetes rarely move. While the group walked more than 3,500 steps per day is only 12 percent of diabetes.
"Our results are not surprising because several other studies have shown that mild physical activity can reduce the risk of diabetes," Fretts said.
He explained that physical activity will prevent obesity as a risk factor for diabetes. Active also have an effect on inflammation, glucose and other molecules in the body which can reduce the risk of diabetes.
Stronger muscles Thanks to Caffeine?
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Stronger muscles Thanks to Caffeine ? - Scientists claim that caffeine consumption may help improve muscle function, particularly in the elderly. Increased muscle function will help to maintain strength, reduce the risk of falls and injuries. The findings will be published on June 30, 2012 in the Society for Experimental Biology.
Sports Experts from Coventry University to see for the first time whether the effects of caffeine consumption associated with changes in muscle. The result is known that caffeine continue to improve muscle performance in rats, although less visible effective in older muscle.
In his study, the researchers isolated muscle from mice ranging in age from teenagers to senior citizens. Muscle performance and then tested before and after the mice were given caffeine. Researchers looked at two different skeletal muscles. The first is the diaphragm, the core muscles used for respiration, and the second is called the leg muscles extensor digitorum longus (EDL), which is used to move.
"Although the effect tends to decrease in muscles of older rats, consumption of caffeine may still provide benefits," Jason Tallis, principal investigator for the research.
For young adults, consumption of caffeine contribute to help the muscles to produce more power. But with age, our muscles will naturally change and become weaker.
Researchers said the effects of caffeine consumption is not very visible in young muscle. This may be because the muscles are still growing, so the effect of caffeine consumption is not too much difference.
Decrease in muscle strength with age contribute to trigger a wound or injury, and reduced quality of life. Researchers say that they do not know exactly how the mechanism of action of caffeine in increasing muscle strength. But it is clear that the key to keeping the muscles to remain strong is to keep active and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
"It is important to maintain the lifestyle to stay physically active to maintain health and functional capacity. Improved performance of caffeine can provide evidence of benefit in the process of aging," said Tallis.
Stronger muscles Thanks to Caffeine ? - Scientists claim that caffeine consumption may help improve muscle function, particularly in the elderly. Increased muscle function will help to maintain strength, reduce the risk of falls and injuries. The findings will be published on June 30, 2012 in the Society for Experimental Biology.
Sports Experts from Coventry University to see for the first time whether the effects of caffeine consumption associated with changes in muscle. The result is known that caffeine continue to improve muscle performance in rats, although less visible effective in older muscle.
In his study, the researchers isolated muscle from mice ranging in age from teenagers to senior citizens. Muscle performance and then tested before and after the mice were given caffeine. Researchers looked at two different skeletal muscles. The first is the diaphragm, the core muscles used for respiration, and the second is called the leg muscles extensor digitorum longus (EDL), which is used to move.
"Although the effect tends to decrease in muscles of older rats, consumption of caffeine may still provide benefits," Jason Tallis, principal investigator for the research.
For young adults, consumption of caffeine contribute to help the muscles to produce more power. But with age, our muscles will naturally change and become weaker.
Researchers said the effects of caffeine consumption is not very visible in young muscle. This may be because the muscles are still growing, so the effect of caffeine consumption is not too much difference.
Decrease in muscle strength with age contribute to trigger a wound or injury, and reduced quality of life. Researchers say that they do not know exactly how the mechanism of action of caffeine in increasing muscle strength. But it is clear that the key to keeping the muscles to remain strong is to keep active and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
"It is important to maintain the lifestyle to stay physically active to maintain health and functional capacity. Improved performance of caffeine can provide evidence of benefit in the process of aging," said Tallis.
While watching TV Healthier Than Restless Too Seriously
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While watching TV Healthier Than Restless Too Seriously - Feeling restless and can not be silent is always associated with stress that is not psychologically healthy. But for those who have a habit of watching television all day, anxiety may help reduce the negative effects of lack of movement.
Various studies have shown that watching elevisi full day can increase the risk of stroke and heart attack. The cause is not because the body becomes less sedentary, so it does not burn up calories and fat are deposited in the form.
Fortunately, the experts proved that, as light as any physical activity can reduce the effect though not really match the benefits of exercise. Light activity is also included to stretch and move their feet, as is done when it is agitated.
Although experts still recommend regular exercise as much as 150 minutes per week if you want to be healthy, but small movements are still considered to be beneficial than not moving at all. At least, the body is moving, although very little.
"The risk of cardiovascular disease increases after watching TV for 2 hours or more. If it can be more active in front of the TV, then it will benefit," said Dr Wilby Williamson, sports health experts from the National Health Service, as quoted by the Telegraph, Sunday (1 / 7/2012).
Dr Williamson added that the average human being today to spend up to 4 hours in front of the television. His lifestyle became very unhealthy because 60-70 percent of his life was spent sitting around without doing any physical activity.
Yet the longer sit still and not moving, then the risk of various diseases could increase. In addition to cardiovascular disease, the risks of metabolic disorders such as excess fat as well as diabetes or diabetes is also increasing because of it.
While watching TV Healthier Than Restless Too Seriously - Feeling restless and can not be silent is always associated with stress that is not psychologically healthy. But for those who have a habit of watching television all day, anxiety may help reduce the negative effects of lack of movement.
Various studies have shown that watching elevisi full day can increase the risk of stroke and heart attack. The cause is not because the body becomes less sedentary, so it does not burn up calories and fat are deposited in the form.
Fortunately, the experts proved that, as light as any physical activity can reduce the effect though not really match the benefits of exercise. Light activity is also included to stretch and move their feet, as is done when it is agitated.
Although experts still recommend regular exercise as much as 150 minutes per week if you want to be healthy, but small movements are still considered to be beneficial than not moving at all. At least, the body is moving, although very little.
"The risk of cardiovascular disease increases after watching TV for 2 hours or more. If it can be more active in front of the TV, then it will benefit," said Dr Wilby Williamson, sports health experts from the National Health Service, as quoted by the Telegraph, Sunday (1 / 7/2012).
Dr Williamson added that the average human being today to spend up to 4 hours in front of the television. His lifestyle became very unhealthy because 60-70 percent of his life was spent sitting around without doing any physical activity.
Yet the longer sit still and not moving, then the risk of various diseases could increase. In addition to cardiovascular disease, the risks of metabolic disorders such as excess fat as well as diabetes or diabetes is also increasing because of it.
Babies under 6 months Not Allow Taxable Direct Sunlight
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Babies under 6 months Not Allow Taxable Direct Sunlight - Babies have a very fragile physical condition, are different from adults. Therefore, infants should be given preferential treatment, one of which is protected from exposure to direct sunlight. Not only sensitive to the sun, the baby's skin is also sensitive to sunscreen.
Baby's skin has less melanin, the pigment that gives color to the skin, hair and eyes. This pigment has the function of protecting the body from sun exposure. Therefore, infants are particularly vulnerable to the damaging effects of the sun.
Institutions governing the distribution of drug ingredients and food in the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that infants under 6 months of age are not applied sunscreen on the skin.
"The best approach is to keep babies under 6 months are not exposed to direct sunlight, especially at 10:00 to 14:00 when ultraviolet rays are most intense," said Hari Cheryl Sachs, a pediatrician at the FDA as reported by the Los Angeles Times, Saturday (30 / 6/2012).
According to Sachs, the baby should not be given sunscreen because skin is thinner so that the chemicals in sunscreens is more easily absorbed. Babies also have more body surface than the weight, especially when compared with adults. That is, a lot of exposure to chemicals in sunscreens risk triggering inflammation or allergic reaction.
"The best protection for babies is the shade. But if there is no shade, little sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 should be used on small areas such as cheeks," says Sachs.
Sunscreen should also be used that do not contain DEET-containing insect repellent. American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies wear lightweight long pants, long sleeved shirts and hats that can be calming to the neck.
Blistering sunburn in infants increases the risk of melanoma that may develop into skin cancer 2-fold. According to one U.S. study, 54 percent of children burned by the sun in the summer.
If you want to take the baby the streets, you should do before 10 o'clock in the afternoon or evening after 4 pm. Do not forget to use the stroller with sun protection. After the age of 6-12 months, then the baby should be applied sunscreen.
Babies under 6 months Not Allow Taxable Direct Sunlight - Babies have a very fragile physical condition, are different from adults. Therefore, infants should be given preferential treatment, one of which is protected from exposure to direct sunlight. Not only sensitive to the sun, the baby's skin is also sensitive to sunscreen.
Baby's skin has less melanin, the pigment that gives color to the skin, hair and eyes. This pigment has the function of protecting the body from sun exposure. Therefore, infants are particularly vulnerable to the damaging effects of the sun.
Institutions governing the distribution of drug ingredients and food in the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that infants under 6 months of age are not applied sunscreen on the skin.
"The best approach is to keep babies under 6 months are not exposed to direct sunlight, especially at 10:00 to 14:00 when ultraviolet rays are most intense," said Hari Cheryl Sachs, a pediatrician at the FDA as reported by the Los Angeles Times, Saturday (30 / 6/2012).
According to Sachs, the baby should not be given sunscreen because skin is thinner so that the chemicals in sunscreens is more easily absorbed. Babies also have more body surface than the weight, especially when compared with adults. That is, a lot of exposure to chemicals in sunscreens risk triggering inflammation or allergic reaction.
"The best protection for babies is the shade. But if there is no shade, little sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 should be used on small areas such as cheeks," says Sachs.
Sunscreen should also be used that do not contain DEET-containing insect repellent. American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies wear lightweight long pants, long sleeved shirts and hats that can be calming to the neck.
Blistering sunburn in infants increases the risk of melanoma that may develop into skin cancer 2-fold. According to one U.S. study, 54 percent of children burned by the sun in the summer.
If you want to take the baby the streets, you should do before 10 o'clock in the afternoon or evening after 4 pm. Do not forget to use the stroller with sun protection. After the age of 6-12 months, then the baby should be applied sunscreen.
Caffeine Increase Muscle Strength Grandfather Grandmother
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Caffeine Increase Muscle Strength Grandfather Grandmother - Grandparents should be resting at home, assuming that if young people look older. Elderly considered soft and weak due to reduced muscle mass and bone. There is a simple formula which makes the muscle strength of elderly keep fit, that is coffee. The study found that drinking coffee can increase the strength of the old muscles.
With age, the muscles of elderly people naturally turn and weakened. As a result, everyday activities become disrupted and more difficult to do. According to researchers, caffeine can help seniors maintain strength and minimize the possibility of falling and injury.
In a meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology, scientists at the University of Coventry explained that caffeine helps muscles generate more force. For the first time, caffeine was found to increase muscle strength in mice elderly through research.
Caffeine is a stimulant substances which are found in coffee and soft drinks. The scientists focused his research on two different muscles, the diaphragm, the muscles used for breathing and extensor digitorum longus, leg muscles are used to move.
Researchers found that caffeine can improve performance on the two muscles. This effect was not seen in children in their infancy. Stimulants are able to strengthen the muscles in old mice, but the effect was less evident in adult mice that still fit.
"Although the effect is less in adult mice, caffeine still seems to be useful to increase muscle performance. By maintaining an active lifestyle physically, the benefits of caffeine in it can be shown to improve performance in an older population," said the researcher, Jason Tallis, as reported by Medical Daily , Saturday (06/30/2012).
Consumption of caffeine has been found to enhance the thinking process and increases the ability of memory at a later date. However, the dose should be considered carefully. Other studies have shown that excessive caffeine consumption can cause the body to get rid of calcium, a nutrient important for bone strength.
Caffeine has also been found to increase blood pressure. So, some doctors recommend most of the coffee should be drunk two glasses per day. In patients with hypertension, intake of coffee needs to be looked at more closely.
Caffeine Increase Muscle Strength Grandfather Grandmother - Grandparents should be resting at home, assuming that if young people look older. Elderly considered soft and weak due to reduced muscle mass and bone. There is a simple formula which makes the muscle strength of elderly keep fit, that is coffee. The study found that drinking coffee can increase the strength of the old muscles.
With age, the muscles of elderly people naturally turn and weakened. As a result, everyday activities become disrupted and more difficult to do. According to researchers, caffeine can help seniors maintain strength and minimize the possibility of falling and injury.
In a meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology, scientists at the University of Coventry explained that caffeine helps muscles generate more force. For the first time, caffeine was found to increase muscle strength in mice elderly through research.
Caffeine is a stimulant substances which are found in coffee and soft drinks. The scientists focused his research on two different muscles, the diaphragm, the muscles used for breathing and extensor digitorum longus, leg muscles are used to move.
Researchers found that caffeine can improve performance on the two muscles. This effect was not seen in children in their infancy. Stimulants are able to strengthen the muscles in old mice, but the effect was less evident in adult mice that still fit.
"Although the effect is less in adult mice, caffeine still seems to be useful to increase muscle performance. By maintaining an active lifestyle physically, the benefits of caffeine in it can be shown to improve performance in an older population," said the researcher, Jason Tallis, as reported by Medical Daily , Saturday (06/30/2012).
Consumption of caffeine has been found to enhance the thinking process and increases the ability of memory at a later date. However, the dose should be considered carefully. Other studies have shown that excessive caffeine consumption can cause the body to get rid of calcium, a nutrient important for bone strength.
Caffeine has also been found to increase blood pressure. So, some doctors recommend most of the coffee should be drunk two glasses per day. In patients with hypertension, intake of coffee needs to be looked at more closely.
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