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Too Spicy Food Gastric Damage - Spicy food is appetizing as well as create a sense of curiosity. No wonder when the product level adjacent spicy chips continue to be hunted man even when menyantapkan mouth was on fire. But those who have had digestive problems are advised to avoid food products that are too spicy.
That we need to realize, everyone has different sensitivities intestine. In those who suffer from digestive disorders, according dr.Ari Fahrial, Sp.PD, a digestion of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, it is not advisable to consume too much spicy food products because it could aggravate digestive problems.
"Be careful to have digestive problems," he said in an e-mail. He described the experience of patients who had gastric complaints after mengasup spicy chips products. "After my binoculars was found wounded in the stomach," he added.
Consumption of spicy food that is too often can cause the hull surface to become brittle and prone to injury. The disease is called gastritis aka mag, which is due to inflammation of the lining of the stomach. Because the stomach is often overridden spicy foods cause the layers thin and prone to infection.
Four people who still want to eat super spicy foods, dr.Ari advocate for pushing to mix it with other food decreases the effect of spiciness. "You should also get ready to drugs or mukoprotektor protective wall of the stomach," he said.
Spicy taste of cayenne are derived from capcaisin, according dr.Ari actually beneficial to the body. Among other pain relievers, anti-inflammation, increase appetite, and launched a bowel movement. But if too much is certainly dangerous.
"In everyday practice I was never banned people not to eat spicy just do not over-much, and for those who are experiencing pain in her gut to avoid temporary," he explained.
He further requested that spicy food manufacturers provide warnings on product packaging to be indigestion. He also hoped that spicy flavor in food products is limited.
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