9 Temmuz 2012 Pazartesi

Failed Pregnancy Can Cause Mental Disorders

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Failed Pregnancy Can Cause Mental Disorders - Great desire to have children soon could backfire in marital life. Quite often, guilt and disappointment because the child did not come such a trigger mental disorders.

In a study in Denmark of 98 737 women suffering from fertility disorders between 1973 and 2008 proves this. The researchers found, women who remained pregnant even after successful IVF treatment are more at risk of mental disorders.

During the period of 12.6 years, half of the respondents who did IVF pregnancy success. But 18 percent of women who never become pregnant, should end up in hospital because of a mental disorder.

In total, nearly 5,000 of the female population is getting treatment for various conditions, such as alcoholism, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, to psychosis.

According to investigators, the child's absence after various fertility treatments tend to increase the risk of abuse alohol to 103 percent to 47 percent and schizophrenia. While the risk of eating disorders rose 47 percent.

Results were presented at the annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Istanbul, Turkey.

"The study shows that the failure of the fertility program can be an important factor in psychiatric disorders. Therefore, it is important to provide counseling to women who will get the fertility treatment," said Baldur Dr.Birgitte-Fleskow of the Danish Cancer Research Center.

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