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Many Smart Children Born out of the 40-year-old mother's - Childbearing at older ages did not always have an adverse effect. A recent research British scientists indicated that children born to mothers aged an average of more than 40 years tend to be healthier, smarter, and rarely in the hospital.
In addition, these children will also develop a wider vocabulary than children born to young mothers as well as having higher scores when IQ tests in various sizes up to age five.
The results of this study will be presented at a conference of The Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health, Glasgow Scotland. According to researchers, the findings are good news especially for women who delay pregnancy at a young age.
Previous research has highlighted the various levels of infertility that may be experienced by vulnerable older women and a greater risk of diabetes and pre-eclampsia. But new research seems to show advantages for older mothers after they give birth, probably because of their greater experience and maturity.
Researchers note, the number of mothers who give birth at the age of 40 years increased from 15,000 in 2000 to 27 000 in 2010.
Researchers from the Institute of Child Health, University College London and Birkbeck College, London, said the findings suggest that older mothers may be a better parent.
Dr Alastair Sutcliffe, researcher in the research, said the negative publicity concerning the older mothers is based on the physical risks of pregnancy and childbirth.
"We have clear evidence that something is desirable for the children of older mothers than younger mothers. We were able to convince older women that their children might be better," he said.
The Wellcome Foundation who funded this research studied 1,100 children born to women aged 40 years or more. Then the investigators compared with 38,000 children born to younger women in the UK. Ages of children ranged from nine months to five years.
Results showed that children of older mothers tend to rarely have an accident or in the hospital and have a lower risk of obesity.
"We found a sequence that shows the relationship between older age of the mother and better results. This is the effect of aging per se," said Sutclife.
"The big question is why? Older mother seems to have skills as a better parent. They tend to be less impulsive, more calm and have more life experience that makes their role as parents is better," he concluded.
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