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While watching TV Healthier Than Restless Too Seriously - Feeling restless and can not be silent is always associated with stress that is not psychologically healthy. But for those who have a habit of watching television all day, anxiety may help reduce the negative effects of lack of movement.
Various studies have shown that watching elevisi full day can increase the risk of stroke and heart attack. The cause is not because the body becomes less sedentary, so it does not burn up calories and fat are deposited in the form.
Fortunately, the experts proved that, as light as any physical activity can reduce the effect though not really match the benefits of exercise. Light activity is also included to stretch and move their feet, as is done when it is agitated.
Although experts still recommend regular exercise as much as 150 minutes per week if you want to be healthy, but small movements are still considered to be beneficial than not moving at all. At least, the body is moving, although very little.
"The risk of cardiovascular disease increases after watching TV for 2 hours or more. If it can be more active in front of the TV, then it will benefit," said Dr Wilby Williamson, sports health experts from the National Health Service, as quoted by the Telegraph, Sunday (1 / 7/2012).
Dr Williamson added that the average human being today to spend up to 4 hours in front of the television. His lifestyle became very unhealthy because 60-70 percent of his life was spent sitting around without doing any physical activity.
Yet the longer sit still and not moving, then the risk of various diseases could increase. In addition to cardiovascular disease, the risks of metabolic disorders such as excess fat as well as diabetes or diabetes is also increasing because of it.
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