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Candidate chromosome Tapis Tube Babies for Healthy Embryos - Chromosomal screening prospective IVF embryos by the method of comparative genomic hybridization or CGH before implanting the embryo into the uterus can detect chromosomal abnormalities and congenital diseases. This method is applied to the results of IVF embryos completely healthy.
It was announced by Chairman of Tropicana Medical Center Fertility Center (TMC) Surinder Singh while celebrating the success of IVF by TMC 3000, in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia, Saturday (7/7). Surinder said, CGH method is a part of before implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) of embryos.
"One by one the chromosomes will be checked so that if found to have abnormal chromosomes that can be immediately known. This was done to ensure that embryos are implanted in the womb is really healthy, "said Reuters correspondent reported Surinderm Adhitya Ramadan from Selangor, Malaysia.
Meanwhile, the CEO of TMC said Erica Lam, complete facilities and cutting-edge, reliable specialists, as well as research and development continued to make TMC into the hospital with IVF success rates are high. IVF success rates achieved TMC in 2011, for example, reached 59.1 percent. The success rate is comparable with other world-class fertility clinic.
Erica convey, in a month, IVF patients in about 80 TMC that the majority of couples aged 35 years and over. Of that amount, the patients from Indonesia about 30 pairs.
Surinder added that about 30 percent of IVF resulting in TMC are twins. Because, in one cycle, doctors implanted the embryo into the uterus 2-3. This anticipation of failure. "Basically, all the decisions that determine the patient. Doctors just convey a variety of possibilities, "he said.
Surinder, who is also President of the Malaysian Public Assistance Reproductive Technology (MSART), said that no definite data on the number of IVF Malaysia. Only, he estimates that about 2,000 IVF cycles with pregnancy 700-800 pregnancies a year in Malaysia.
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